Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Freedom-loving fembots

Not so long ago when it was the Orange Revolution instead of the Cedar Revolution, we wrote, mockingly:

Like most amateur followers of the Ukrainian election dispute, we had assumed that the side that was able to mobilise the better looking protestors was surely the right side to support.

But we have been overtaken by reality, at least reality as processed through the National Review Online filter:

(links to other VRC sites with pictures of Beirut protestors)

The tyranny of the frat boys.

UPDATE 8 MARCH: Another installment from the "Phew, what a scorcher" crowd: Mark Steyn in today's Telegraph:

the smouldering, raven-tressed, black-eyed Beirut babes so fetchingly demanding their nation's freedom on the covers of this week's Economist, Newsweek, Weekly Standard et al. ... the aforementioned Lebanese totty ... the Beirut babes

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