Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another 5-11?

Almost two years ago we noted Andrew Sullivan make an analogy between 9-11 and the Guy Fawkes plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605; as Sullivan noted, the Gunpowder plot failed and yet its legacy was considerable. We never did figure out where Sully was headed with that analogy, but since Michael Moore gets blamed for giving Osama propaganda ideas, what then to make of a bizarre story in the Sunday Times claiming that police monitored an al Qaeda plot for a poison gas attack on Parliament -- which would have taken advantage of an exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot to gain access to Parliament.

Who knows, given Osama's love of anniversaries (and there is that weird business about the Battle of Vienna and 9/11), maybe the plot was even timed for 5th of November. We'll now go and read up on our Stuart history to see if King James I made a post-plot speech about fighting the terrorists in Ireland so that England wouldn't have to fight them at home.

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