Thursday, March 26, 2009

This European Parliament actually says stuff

Here's a link to the transcript of Gordon Brown's session with the European Parliament on Tuesday. The session has attracted huge attention due to Dan Hannan MEP getting the opportunity that no backbench MP would get -- to deliver a sustained assault on Gordon Brown's record while Gordon has to sit there and listen. Now, one thing the transcript brings out is that Hannan had prepared his speech in advance, because amongst his accusations to Brown --

Who would have guessed listening to you just now that you were the author of the phrase "British jobs for British workers",

but Nigel Farage had already made sure that the listeners knew it was Brown's phrase before Hannan spoke. But anyway, the whole thing is worth a read -- the session was extremely lively and had a much more big picture context (Europe/G20) than a national parliament session would have had.

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